I can't love them even if I want to - 1 Night 2 Days.

September 03, 2017

I'm a huge fan of Jung Joon Young. I love his deep voice, the music he creates, and the person he is (that's why you won't be surprised that I'm going to his concert next week, lol). All these scandals with him even don't get to me as I don't know what is true and what is not. He is a cute fool and that's all. Strongly distinctive and strange but charming. Mostly because of him I started watching 1 Night 2 Days and during his break from the Korean programs I wasn't so interested in the program. Why? Because there is something that makes me very irritated about this reality show.
Jestem ogromną fanką Jung Joon Younga. Uwielbiam jego głęboki głos, muzykę, którą tworzy i to, jakim jest człowiekiem (dlatego wcale was nie zdziwi to, że idę na jego koncert w przyszłym tygodniu, lol). Te wszystkie skandale z nim nawet mnie tak nie rażą, skoro nie wiadomo, co jest prawdą, a co nie. Jest uroczym głupkiem i tyle. Mocno charakterystycznym i dziwnym, ale uroczym. Głównie dla niego zaczęłam oglądać 1 Night 2 Days i podczas jego odsunięcia z koreańskich mediów tak bardzo nie interesowałam się programem. Dlaczego? Bo jest coś takiego, co mnie bardzo w tym reality show denerwuje.

I don't watch many Korean programs. For about three years I have been following Running Man and I actually watch absolutely every episode. I love the crew and even started liking Se Chan and Somin. Actually they aren't that bad. I also watched the fourth season of I Can See Your Voice, or both seasons of Produce 101. I happen to occasionally turn on some Gag Concert or other SNL, but without exaggeration, I have other things to watch. And finally, there is also 1N2D, which, as I mentioned, I watch maybe for a year, maybe more, but I wasn't interested in episodes in which JJY didn't participate due to his scandals. Not because the program is boring, but because something is wrong with the members. More specifically, with one of them.
Nie oglądam wielu koreańskich programów. Od jakichś trzech lat śledzę Running Mana i oglądam absolutnie każdy odcinek. Uwielbiam ekipę i nawet przekonuję się do Se Chana i Somin. Właściwie nie są tacy źli. Oglądałam też czwarty sezon I Can See Your Voice, czy oba sezony Produce 101. Zdaża mi się od czasu do czasu włączyć jakiś Gag Concert czy inne SNL, ale bez przesady, mam inne rzeczy do oglądania. I w końcu, jest też 1N2D, które jak wspomniałam, oglądam może rok, może więcej, ale nie interesowały mnie odcinki, w których JJY przez swoje skandale nie brał udziału. Nie dlatego, że program jest nudny, ale dlatego, że coś jest nie tak z członkami. A konkretniej z jednym.

Let's go one by one - Cha Taehyun is such a good guy. A little bit funny, a little bit foolish, but nice and warm. Kim Jongmin - the only one of the "original members", always cheerful, always silly, sometimes irritating, but also warm. Shi Yoon (Dong Gu) - a young and handsome actor. Incredibly courteous, wise, caring about everyone around. I'm a fan. Defconn - poor fatty boy without a girl. Walking vacuum cleaner. I like him as well, I can't say I don't. We only have two members left - Jung Joon Young, whom I won't write about anymore (at least now, lol) - naughty bad boy. And there's Joon Ho.
If I was a guest at this program, I would feel comfortable with anyone except Joon Ho. I understand that he's a comedian and he can joke about more topics and make himself into idiot. But he's doing it completely different from Jongmin. His jokes are dirty and inconsiderate. I just don't like this type of people. He's like an uncle you always try to avoid.
I don't know why I write this post. It seems to me that my irritation has grown so much during last episodes that I decided to "write a story about how Joon Ho destroys his own image and how disgusting he is". Even jokes about his yellow teeth, stinking breath, physical disability or many others are NOT FUNNY anymore.
Idźmy po kolei - Cha Taehyun to taki porządny facet. Trochę śmieszek, trochę fool, ale milusi i cieplusi. Kim Jongmin - jedyny z "oryginalnych członków", zawsze radosny, zawsze głupiutki, momentami irytujący, ale również ciepły. Shi Yoon (Dong Gu) - młody i przystojny aktor. Niesamowicie uprzejmy, mądry, dbający o wszystkich dokoła siebie. Jestem fanką. Defconn - biedny grubasek bez dziewczyny. Chodzący odkurzacz. Też go lubię, nie mogę powiedzieć, że nie. Zostało nam tylko dwóch członków - Jung Joon Young, o którym już się nie będę rozpisywać (przynajmniej teraz, lol) - naughty bad boy. No i Joon Ho.
Gdybym miała być gościem tego programu, z każdym z członków czułabym się komfortowo, tylko nie z Joon Ho. Rozumiem, że jest komediantem i można mu żartować na więcej tematów i robić z siebie idiotę. Tylko on robi to zupełnie inaczej niż taki Jongmin. Jego żarty są brudne i nietaktowne. Po prostu, no kurcze, nie lubię tego typu ludzi. To taki wujek, którego zawsze staracie się unikać.
Nie wiem, dlaczego zebrało mi się na pisanie tego posta. Wydaje mi się, że moja irytacja przebrała miarę w jakimś ostatnim odcinku i zdecydowana zapisałam sobie "napisz post o tym, jak Joon Ho niszczy swój własny wizerunek i jaki jest niesmaczny". Już nawet żarty o jego żółtych zębach. cuchnącym oddechu, niesprawności fizycznej czy wielu innych NIE SĄ ŚMIESZNE.

What's my point? I don't know. Probably that the producers should think about who they are taking to the crew, or maybe that the members should care more about their image? Who knows maybe Joon Ho is a much better man than he acts in the show. But if that were the case, perhaps with more engagement he would have helped others (and don't wait for *example* Dong Gu to do all the work). Because, in fact, what does he do in 1N2D besides constantly complaining and cheating?
Let's not be such people.
Do czego zmierzam? Nie wiem. Pewnie do tego, że producenci powinni zastanowić się nad tym, kogo przyjmują do ekipy, albo członkowie powinni bardziej dbać o swój wizerunek? Kto wie, może Joon Ho jest o wiele lepszym człowiekiem niż by się wydawało. Ale gdyby tak było, pewnie z większym zaangażowaniem pomagałby innym (a nie czekał, aż taki Dong Gu zajmie się wszystkim). Bo tak właściwie, to co on robi w 1N2D oprócz ciągłego narzekania i oszukiwania?
Nie bądźmy takimi ludźmi.


  1. I can relate to your watching the show because of JJY because I started watching this season because of JJY too. I stopped watching when he was on hiatus and haven't been able to pick it up again because I dislike another member. Haha. :p(I guess our differences as well as what we have in common is what makes the world go around.) Have you wondered whether Joon Ho's character is a role he plays for the sake of the show? To create a situation or a moment of fun. The show is seemingly a reality variety show, but what we see after all is produced. We see what the producers want us to see and they reinforce that through editing, close ups and comments. Through their editing the producers make someone look like an idiot, another like a weirdo, another like an angel, etc. (Reminds me of a line out of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, "One has got all the goodness, and the other all the appearance of it.") One of the reasons I like JJY is that he transcends the producers typecasting and image making. No matter what box the producers want to put him in he has defied it. He isn't interested in making himself look good in front of the camera. He seems to be the antithesis of a celebrity. He's not a ham, he doesn't necessarily try to play up to the camera or to people, and he's not fake. He seems aloof but he's considerate and polite (but not in an obvious way). Because being the nice guy is not his character on this show, the producers don't show the little things he does. But if you pay attention to his movements and comments when the editing is not focused on him nor highlighted for the audience to notice, you see the little gestures and comments that are genuinely considerate and thoughtful. In earlier episodes of season three, you'll see this a lot more, for example, how he apologizes and reaches out to sooth the spot he had to pull/hit or how he prepares an plate with food that is out of reach of someone as they sit around a table, how he tells Jong Min/Joon Ho it's ok if they aren't good at something because everyone is different (something to the effect of different strokes for different folks). He also slouches or lowers himself because he's tall compared to the others on the show (unlike other celebrities who wear shoe inserts to make themselves taller--I mention this because the audience doesn't see these hidden details. They're not meant to. You only see what the camera shot and editing wants you to see. He teases other members like they all do to each other, but I've never heard him make a derogatory comment or put someone down for the sake of a laugh. And although the producers don't highlight this, he's positive. Even when things aren't going his way, he doesn't complain, but shrugs and says something positive about the situation, for example, "at least we get to sleep inside the tent." I've seen a lot of Korean variety shows (I Live Alone, Problematic Men, Three Meals, Take Good Care of the Fridge) but JJY is the only celebrity who I think is himself no matter what show he is on. I love the fact that someone who's as shy and awkward as he is with people is actually funny and warm once you get past outer shell. I actually meant to write about Joon Ho's character and I ended up writing about JJY. Haha. :) Peace

    1. Haha, yeah, you wrote a whole essay about JJY, starting with Joon Ho. Guess I have another fan here. ^-^
      Of course I know how the industry works and that we see only an hour of their, let's say, 28 hours of filming. So we can't say if the whole situation weren't completely changed by editors, or if we see the true faces of the cast. Actually it's the first time when someone noticed, that what we see on TV can be a creation of producers. And I'm really glad about that, people should be aware of those things.
      Thanks for your time you spent reading and commenting! c:

      PS. Wasn't your comment about JJY longer that my entire entry? :D

  2. - oh its the first time I read something so much different abt Kim Jun Ho of 2D1N.. well the show has been aired in the golden time frame for Korean families, so I think the producing team of 2D1N is delicate and careful enough about what they should direct, record, edit and broadcast. And every single cast member has his own writer to work with in each trip. Cuz you know how intense Korean audiences especially K-netizen are. Anyway its nice to know another viewpoint of the show's members. Thanks for the interesting entry and I cant wait for your new entry of the concert of Drug Restaurant in Poland as you said on Instagram ^^ so now you can tell how I know the way to fly to your blog.. Have a nice day :)


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